Friday, September 9, 2011

World Without an End

Every now and again, I come back to this song. And I just LOVE it!!
It is one of those things that is just soooo deep I can't even really comprehend, but then again who can really comprehend the love of Christ !

I leave you with the lyrics ( maybe I'll figure out how to post the video)

For all the deepest thought compiled,philosophy
to laws of physics,
no one's ever heard or seen,
a more beautiful thing,
than this love that saved us.

In the soundless awe and wonder,
words fall short to hope again.
How beautiful,
how vast your love is,
new forever,
world without an end.

The very spark that burns the stars,
drew near to me today,
the God of everything that is,

whispered in my ear that His love is boundless.

I want to comprehend this.

~Diana Camp (Happy Friday everyone)


Ben and I excited that it is FRIDAY!!!!. (above)
Weeks seem to be flying by. Days go by somewhat slow, but before I know it it is Friday again! Sometimes, that's a good feeling. Next week we work on Monday and Tuesday but then we get 3 days off due to Honduran Independence Day, we will be heading down to La Libertad, El Salvador to spend 3 days relaxing at the beach ( I am really hoping those 3 days just go by in slow-motion :)


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Giga Almendra

It's funny how by this time last year I had already taken hundreds of pictures of our time in Honduras. So far I have taken one picture, the one you see below.

Ben eating a Giga Almendra, (our favorite ice cream bar in Honduras. Only costs 90 U.S. cents!) while talking to Katie.

I guess the newness of this experience has worn off. Being here is no longer new, but rather normal and very much a routine. Sure, unexpected things still happen here in Tegucigalpa, I guess we are just not shocked or surprised by them anymore. Being in a WAY better apartment also helps a ton, we LOVE our new place. It is currently raining, and Ben just brought up to my attention that at our old apartment even the lightest rain sounded like a storm, due to our tin roof and styrofoam ceiling. Here, in Palma Real (the name of the gated community where we live), the rain is pretty much inaudible.

Abby lives one street away, we have gone on two walks together, but I have been rather lazy lately and have preferred to take a nap after school instead of getting up and moving. The plan this year is for us to go swimming everyday, but we are waiting for our car in order for that to happen, which should be any day now!! Having a car will change our lives here and we cannot wait!


-We found a gynecologist at the Honduras Medical Center. He is a sweet old man who has delivered thousands of babies. So I feel I am in good hands.

-He said I am only allowed to gain 12 pounds TOTAL! haha (we'll see how that goes)

-Thankfully I have not felt super sick nor thrown up! I am just exhausted all day long, and I take a nap as soon as I come home from school.
